Thursday, July 16, 2015

Emmy Nominees: Best Directing for a Drama Series

My predictions: 1/5, picking “Eldorado” and a different episode of “Game of Thrones”

So the one thing I got right here was statistic-based: onetime Best Drama Series nominee Boardwalk Empire again get recognized for the directing of its season finale, “Eldorado,” serving as the major nomination out of its ten mostly technical bids. I thought “Hardhome” was a lock, but I guess voters preferred Game of Thrones episodes “Mother's Mercy” and “Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken.” The episode of Homeland recognized, “From A to B and Back Again,” is a fine choice, and I suppose “Method and Madness,” the pilot of The Knick, is decent too. These weren't the best directed episodes of the year by any definition, but it's an okay list.

Who should win? “Mother's Mercy” or “Eldorado”
Who will win? Probably “Boardwalk Empire”

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