Saturday, July 18, 2015

What I'm Watching: The Brink

The Brink: Season 1, Episode 4 “I'll Never Be Batman” (B-)

I'm not sure that this show can get devolve any more, and I'm glad to see that some of its humor, however outlandish, is actually working. The sight of Walter having a political conversation with a foreign leader while peeing into a bag held by an all-too-compliant Kendra was hilarious, as was his lack of apology for the matter. Walter is certainly a force to be reckoned with, accomplishing the delay of international war while nearly combusting from his kidney stone and dismissing Alex's unamused boss who didn't want him to speak directly to the secretary of state. It's a good thing that Kendra didn't tell him about his wife accepting the job since he's sure to explode once he hears that information. Alex didn't have much trouble setting up the major meeting thanks to a convenient wiretap, and my favorite moment of his Shakira-assisted getaway was when a motorcycle owner mistook his shouting of “Is real” about the $1000 bills to be a reference to the country he detests so much. I love that most of Z-Pak and Glenn's conversations happen while they are flying and while they really should be paying more attention to where they're going and who they're accidentally shooting. Z-Pak's logic about his two-family situation was magnificently laid out, and it's too bad that Glenn had to poke a hole in his perfect solution at the exact time that they were experiencing critical flight failure due to a wing being on fire. What absurdity can come next?

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