Wednesday, July 29, 2015

What I’m Watching: Humans

Humans: Season 1, Episode 5 (B+)

This was a good episode that helped return this show to solid footing, and I’m now extremely eager once again to see where it goes next. What I like most is that things are actually happening, namely with Mattie once again reaching out to Leo and understanding exactly who Anita is and Niska marching directly to George’s doorstep. It was intense to see Leo react to the complete lack of familiarity expressed by Anita and the total absence of Mia. Mattie’s attitude has shifted completely, as she now understands that Anita is not some artificial intelligence irritation but rather something much more complex. The unfortunate thing is that she was also able to discover thanks to her hacking skills that someone had sex with Anita, and of course she would assume that it was her brother and not her father. Joe’s confession came a bit too late and his dismissal of the severity of his act almost negated it entirely. That marriage appears to be headed the way of Peter’s, which has officially disintegrated as his wife prefers her synth to him as a companion and even wants him to pay for it. Odi getting found in the woods wasn’t a positive development, and it’s a good thing that Peter’s surprise visit didn’t result in Niska hurting anyone. Karen’s own investigation into Niska and her motivations is particularly fascinating, especially because she is posing as a human. Vera pegging Niska as a synth was another great moment, as George’s refuting of her claim proved all too logical.

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