Monday, August 3, 2015

What I’m Watching: Grace and Frankie (Season Finale)

Grace and Frankie: Season 1, Episode 13 “The Vows” (B)

I’m behind the times, just finishing this show, and I feel like I’ve been watching it forever. It certainly does feel like a season finale, particularly because of the way that it ends, but it wasn’t immensely satisfying and didn’t have the same tone as most of the rest of the show. It’s also a very surprising and puzzling choice to be Lily Tomlin’s Emmy submission for her nomination since she has the least comedic role of the entire episode, and most of the drama related to her character has much more to do with Sol and the fact that he has now cheated on Robert, who spent the entire time he was with Frankie writing up an eight-page legal brief on the conditions of his love for him. Brianna and Mallory helping Robert with his vows was a sweet opportunity for them to bond, while Sol broke down lighting Shabbat candles with his former wife and his adult sons. Grace breaking up with Guy only to have him forget the entire thing happened since he was on Ambien wasn’t as funny as it should have been, and ultimately it all comes back to Grace and Frankie as soulmates of a sort, living together in relative harmony and trying to help each other figure out how to be happy. This first season was fun, but what I’d love to see in season two is more of all the kids since, to me, they’re the best part and they haven’t had nearly enough screentime.

Season grade: B
Season MVP: Ethan Embry as Coyote and June Diane Raphael as Brianna

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