Wednesday, August 26, 2015

What I’m Watching: Ray Donovan

Ray Donovan: Season 3, Episode 7 “All Must Be Loved” (B+)

This episode had a very unexpected and unsettling religious connation to it, one which was haunting but turned out to be very effective. I actually forgot the whole Finney family existed as soon as Ray drove to Father Romero’s church and entered the building. Ray was surprisingly willing to do what Romero suggested at first, confessing his sin and accepting forgiveness as an alternative to being reported to the police. It didn’t last, of course, and his walking out resulted in Romero cursing him in Latin and unnerving Terry with his decree of excommunication from the church. We don’t see religion much on this show, and Ray obviously was never one for it, but it’s clear that it was ingrained in the Donovan family at some point as a crucial component of their being. Ray and Terry dismissing Bunchy’s engagement as illegitimate is only setting their brother off more, and Teresa made quite an impression staking her territory and the fact that she’s not going anywhere. Mickey’s partnership was not going well, and I’m not sure that his violent retribution is going to achieve the effect he wants it to. Now that her secret plan has been revealed, Paige is not being shy about her intentions and severing all ties to her father, trying to reel Ray in at the same time. Bridget’s song performance was a worthwhile surprise, and her budding romance with her teacher can’t possibly end well, as her accidentally encouraging mother will soon discover when she sees her advice put to action.

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