Sunday, August 2, 2015

What I’m Watching: Rectify

Rectify: Season 3, Episode 4 “Girl Jesus” (B+)

This episode picked up the pace a bit, but more crucially it offered some truly compelling interactions between its characters. I’ve also found Amantha to be the most fascinating character on this show, with Daniel and Tawney trailing somewhere behind her, and it’s great to see how being an assistant manager has made her feel. It’s hardly where she wanted to be, but she now carries herself with a certain confidence that came out in a big way in her lunch with Jon and then when Daniel showed up at her work to get his form signed. Offering him her car was a sweet and mature gesture, and the way he looked at the clock was so telling of how he still feels imprisoned. Barely even speaking to his probation officer when he handed the form emphasized that feeling of isolation since he didn’t even get to have a triumphant moment of successful delivery. Aimlessly painting the pool at first seemed like a symbol of dedication but then at the end of the episode seemed like all he had left to focus on. Carl is doing his very best to mount a case against Daniel, and things are not looking too good for him at the moment. Tawney admitting that she didn’t think she should be married to Teddy in therapy made for an enormously impactful scene, and I like that Teddy stuck by her afterwards and that they may not be as hopelessly set for loneliness as it initially appeared since the therapy was, for lack of a better word, extremely therapeutic.

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