Sunday, August 23, 2015

What I’m Watching: Sex and Drugs and Rock and Roll

Sex and Drugs and Rock and Roll: Season 1, Episode 6 “Tattoo You” (B+)

There has never been an instance of more perfect casting than having Callie Thorne play Gigi’s mother. While Thorne earned a Golden Globe nomination for her USA series “Necessary Roughness,” it was her work as Sheila on “Rescue Me” that truly astounded me, and she’s an obvious choice for Leary’s latest show, the first major player from that series to show up here in a big role. She toned down the crazy and upped the flirtation factor, largely ignoring Johnny but trying to tempt Flash with her sex appeal to end his relationship with Gigi, which she saw as misguided and ill-advised. There was a lot of explicit talk about vaginas in this episode, but that seems to be par for the course for this foul-mouthed crew, getting away with as much as they can say on FX and bleeping out the rest. I loved the conversations between Cat and Ava in which they complimented each other’s styles and bodies before getting down to real words and insults, ultimately emerging with a more serious and better understanding of where they were both coming from. Flash admitting that Gigi seems like a younger version of her mom and that maybe he was too old for her was definitely honest but also prompted an honest reaction from her in the form of his destroyed guitar. The line of the half-hour, from Flash, was “I’m 50, but my balls are 17,” a truly off-putting and odd sentiment only this show could pull off. More Callie Thorne in the future, please!

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