Friday, September 11, 2015

What I’m Watching: Ray Donovan

Ray Donovan: Season 3, Episode 9 “The Octopus” (B+)

This wedding happened a whole lot more quickly and relatively seamlessly than I expected, and that included the groom getting arrested just hours before the ceremony was set to begin. The truth is that Mickey is in an unfortunate position, and both of his complicit sons by extension, since the authorities are well aware of their criminal misdeeds and have every intention of jailing them if they don’t comply. Despite Bunchy being upset with him about being denied access to his settlement money, Ray didn’t let anything stop him in his speedy fight to get Bunchy released, spotting a motel near the wedding venue and kicking down the first door he saw. Bunchy telling Mickey that he didn’t want to be made unhappy when he showed up was a sign that he’s realizing what’s good and what’s not for him. I kept waiting for something to happen that would bring an end to the happiness that Bunchy and Teresa are experiencing, but it didn’t happen. Instead, Mickey went through with his snitching, and now he’s worried about the repercussions of his actions. And, a familiar face who has fallen from grace, Hank Azaria’s Ed Cochran, whose discovery that Ray was a known associate of Varick’s is sure to bring about a world of hurt for Ray and his family. Bridget continues to make bad life decisions with her all-too-compliant teacher, and Daryll, who is rarely featured this much, is also falling head over heels for someone he’s likely to compromise plenty to try to make happy.

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