Sunday, September 27, 2015

What I’m Watching: You’re the Worst

You’re the Worst: Season 2, Episode 3 “Born Dead” (B+)

It’s very true that the only friends we’ve ever seen Jimmy and Gretchen interact with are the supporting cast members, Edgar and Lindsay. I love that Gretchen rattled off a list of people she was supposedly best friends with to complete bewilderment from Jimmy, and that he argued that friends are for babies and were nothing more than an unnecessary distraction in life. Gretchen’s friends definitely grew up without her, and Cory was an unfortunate display of what Gretchen could look like if she had no semblance of what makes up a decent person. Jimmy hiring Killian as a bartender was absurd but amusing, and I like that he interacted with two fringe characters we don’t always see: Paul and Vernon. The fact that Vernon earned himself points with Jimmy by mocking Paul was interesting ,and I enjoyed their surprisingly serious and honest conversation. Lindsay meeting Amy was never going to go too well, and my favorite moment was her asking Amy if she was calling her an old horse. Making out with Edgar to make Paul jealous definitely excited Edgar, but she’s going to take it too far and going to break the heart of the guy who just wants to be there for her and not to show off her alleged romantic success after their break-up. She is without question one of the least self-aware characters I’ve ever seen on television, so it could take a while for her to realize how he really feels, but it has to happen eventually.

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