Saturday, October 17, 2015

What I’m Watching: Blindspot

Blindspot: Season 1, Episode 4 “Bone May Rot” (B-)

It’s not every day you run into a murderous scientist intent on killing mass amounts of people by spreading a virus using his own body. Sometimes, it’s hard to remember that this show is centered on Jane’s tattoos since every one of them seems to lead the team into a volatile action-packed battle that seems like it stands completely apart. Site-specific tattoos that only show up at the CDC make this whole thing all the more complex and thought out, and the mystery of why someone would go to all this trouble just continues to be compounded. At the same time, Bethany is being pushed to get rid of Jane or at least let her sit down with Thomas, and it seems that Jane may not be Taylor after all. Two completely contradictory samples make for one major question mark, and that’s of course the whole nature of this show. The element of this episode that I liked most was that the big discovery came not from a member of the team but from Patterson’s boyfriend David. Patterson is certainly an irreverent, quirky supporting character, and it’s good to see that she has an equally energetic partner at home who happens to be just as scientifically-minded. It’s obvious that she’ll be in tremendous trouble when the humorless Bethany discovers that she’s been sharing sensitive case files, but for the moment it’s helping their investigation and it’s good to see Patterson getting to take the spotlight in her own little subplot.

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