Saturday, October 24, 2015

What I’m Watching: Fargo

Fargo: Season 2, Episode 2 “Before the Law” (B+)

It’s hard for this season to be able to match the awesomeness of season one, and though I am enjoying it, it’s definitely not captivating me in the same way that the first story arc did. It’s completely interesting, though, and I’m so intrigued to find out more about all of these characters. What’s best about it is that there are certain scenes that speak so truly to what this show and its universe are all about, fully matching anything that has come before them to exemplify what makes this show work so well. Bokeem Woodbine was the MVP of the hour as Mike Milligan, the henchman who talked his way out of a damning stop by Hank and gave him plenty to think about. I also much prefer Mike’s complaint letter typewriter intimidation to Dodd’s more brutish ear removal as a torture tactic. Lou knocking on the door just as Ed was cutting off Rye’s fingers and the phone ringing as Ed was about to grab the finger that rolled made for another terrific moment that was eerie and foreboding but didn’t end up materializing into anything. I’m glad to see Elizabeth Marvel, formerly of “House of Cards” and “Lights Out,” as Constance, who has more than a passing interest in Peggy’s life and may be coming concerningly close to learning too much about Peggy’s car accident. There are still so many players to keep track of, but I’m very interested in seeing where it all goes and who manages to survive the entire season.

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