Sunday, October 11, 2015

What I’m Watching: iZombie (Season Premiere)

iZombie: Season 2, Episode 1 “Grumpy Old Liv” (B+)

A year ago, I was caught off guard by how much I liked this show’s pilot after not expecting to enjoy it at all, and now, thirteen episodes in, I’m primed to enjoy its quality but also always pleased at how the show continues to be creative. This episode presented a few important developments that make this season seem even juicier. Peyton is the only player who is completely gone, and she’s not too missed since she never contributed too much to the story anyway (she could have but was never given primary focus). Liv’s family not talking to her is a big deal even though they weren’t around that much anyway, and eating the brains of a moody old man didn’t help matters. As usual, it was hilarious to see Clive react to the way she spoke to other people. Blaine running a funeral home claiming that he knows the experience of death better than anyone is an interesting profession that should be harmless, but naturally he’s still dealing utopium, which is anything but. The news that cured zombies can sense when a zombie is there is interesting, and it’s worthwhile to note that Major’s new trainee is most definitely a zombie. What’s much more troubling is the way that Vaughn plans on dealing with the unanticipated side effect of Max Rager and that he’s hired Major to be his official zombie killer. And discovering who Liv’s new roommate is puts the icing on the cake – the forces are aligned against Liv this season, and she’s going to have a tough time clawing her way out.

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