Thursday, October 8, 2015

What I’m Watching: The Leftovers (Season Premiere)

The Leftovers: Season 2, Episode 1 “Axis Mundi” (B)

This drama was the best on television this past year, and I was extremely ready for an equally astounding season two. This premiere demonstrated that the show is headed in a very different direction, with opening credits just as haunting but far less dark. The caveman flashbacks were strange, and it was jarring not to see any familiar faces for the first half of the episode. I understand the appeal of incorporating new characters, and the Murphys are definitely a fascinating addition. What I can’t quite get on board with is why we needed a departure from familiar settings, since this miracle town is likely to be devoid of the Guilty Remnant and some of season one’s strongest elements. I’m still curious and excited to find out what awaits, since this episode did still nail the disturbing uncertainty of things this show has always done so well. The sight of firemen starting fires rather than putting them out was eerily reminiscent of “Fahrenheit 451,” and it’s disconcerting to see how the role of religion is being exploited and dominating so much of life in Jarden, Texas. I’m intrigued to see what Matt has seen in terms of a change in his wife’s status since their move, and to discover what troubling events have just occurred in this miracle town. The conversation between John and Kevin about his time in prison was electric, and I’m so curious to see how Kevin adjusts to his new family life in a town where no one knows him and he’s not the law.

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