Tuesday, October 27, 2015

What I’m Watching: Longmire

Longmire: Season 4, Episode 7 “Highway Robbery” (B+)

This episode started off on a poignant note with Walt remembering a happy moment with his wife, a fitting introduction for an hour that dealt with Walt trying to move on. Going to apologize to Donna was a big step, and, as with Longhorse, she found his words to be sincere but hardly constituting an apology. It was great to see Ruby, a background character if there ever was one, burst into Walt’s office to tell him that he can’t sleep there and that Walt’s wife would want him to be happy with someone else rather than just wallow in self-pity. Her answer when he asked her out – that she spent more than enough time trying to convince manly men to deal with her emotions and didn’t want to have to do it on her free time too – wasn’t inspiring, but that didn’t stop him from having Ruby call her when he was on the side of the road deep in thought about having killed Barlow. Walt has been facing some tough situation recently, this time ending up in a car with a crippled man who never forgave the man who put him in that state. Cady taking on old cases from Mathias is an interesting development that is certain to lead her to trouble. Travis is fully ridiculous, ready to get reimbursed for deputizing himself and helping too much with the case. Another onetime applicant for a job in the sheriff’s office, Monte, was pretty damn furious when he found out that Walt was playing mind games with him, and I expect that maybe he’ll show up again to cause some trouble.

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