Tuesday, October 20, 2015

What I’m Watching: You’re the Worst

You’re the Worst: Season 2, Episode 6 “Side Bitch” (B+)

Only on this show would a character finding a significant other crying in her car in the middle of the night be cause for relieved celebration. Jimmy’s plan to discover what Gretchen was up to when she snuck out with her burner phone each night was ill-conceived, but the results is produced were interesting. His initial efforts were met with sarcasm and aggression from Gretchen, and taking her to a bar that only served artisanal waters was a serious misstep. The fact that Ty owned it was a funny coincidence since Gretchen was not at all pleased to see him, and Sam did not react well to Jimmy’s accusation that he was sleeping with Gretchen. It makes much more sense, naturally, that Gretchen brought her burner phone with her so that she could play a game on it while she was crying in her car. Lindsay’s situation is not good at all, and hallucinating that Vernon was Paul was a definite low point. Comparing herself to “Reese Witherspoon in that backpack commercial” was a humorous summation of her state. I’m thrilled about what’s going on in Edgar’s life, as he worked up the courage to ask Dorothy out on a date and managed to break her brain because he was actually being polite and human. Breaking up her improv troupe, completely with imaginary dropped mic, may not have been the best move, but she seems pretty happy about where she is, and I think they might be able to begin a healthy and wonderful relationship together, ready to be burst and deconstructed by Edgar’s malicious roommates.

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