Thursday, November 26, 2015

Golden Globe Musings: Best Actress in a TV Series – Drama

Golden Globe nominations for this year will be announced soon, so here’s a survey of the contenders and the most likely predictions at this time. Weigh in with your thoughts, and let me know if I’ve left off anyone important. A reminder that last year’s nominees mean zilch at the Globes and that the race is almost entirely unpredictable.

Last year’s nominees:
Claire Danes (Homeland)
Viola Davis (How to Get Away with Murder)
Julianna Margulies (The Good Wife)
Ruth Wilson (The Affair) Robin Wright (House of Cards)

Past nominees:
Claire Danes (Homeland)
Michelle Dockery (Downton Abbey)
Elisabeth Moss (Mad Men)
Tatiana Maslany (Orphan Black)
Kerry Washington (Scandal)

New contenders:
Jaimie Alexander (Blindspot)
Melissa Benoist (Supergirl)
Priyanka Chopra (Quantico)
Alexa Davalos (The Man in the High Castle)
Taraji P. Henson (Empire)

I don’t think this category will be too changed this year. Chopra and Henson will probably get nominated, and I think that means that Margulies will miss out and maybe Danes, though I’m not too sure. I think we’ll see more than a few surprises here.

Current predictions:
Priyanka Chopra (Quantico)
Viola Davis (How to Get Away with Murder)
Taraji P. Henson (Empire)
Ruth Wilson (The Affair)
Robin Wright (House of Cards)

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