Wednesday, November 4, 2015

What I’m Watching: The Affair

The Affair: Season 2, Episode 5 (B+)

It’s easy to be sympathetic to Alison’s situation since, whatever Noah stands to lose, he still has four children who will always consider him their father. Alison got her job offer without much fanfare and without actually doing much to deserve it, and therefore it’s fitting, in an unfortunate way, that it should be so quickly yanked away from her. Robert being the one to break the news to her made it sting all the more, especially considering the disappointment that Alison experienced when she realized that the man who was providing a kind ear was considerably more excited about hearing Alison’s story of passionate romance than he should have been. Going to Noah’s home was a ballsy move, one that Helen rightfully called her out on when she answered the door and made her feel like a horrible person for what she had done and a stupid one for falling for Noah. Going back to Cole was an even more shocking development, and it hit him at a time that he had just seemed to be ready to move on, albeit with his brother’s new girlfriend. I was thrilled to see Catalina Sandino Moreno, who broke out with an Oscar-nominated turn in 2004 in “Maria Full of Grace” and has appeared only intermittently since, most recently on “The Bridge,” as Luisa, who went from furious scorned woman to the most understanding, perfect confidante for Cole in a short time. I hope we’ll see more of her, since Cole and Alison’s reunion can’t possibly last given what we know of how the future turns out.

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