Friday, November 20, 2015

What I’m Watching: Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend: Season 1, Episode 5 “My First Thanksgiving with Josh!” (B+)

Rebecca is unquestionably the zaniest person on this show, but I love that Paula is almost as dedicated to her cause as she is, pushing her to get with Josh and spending her entire Thanksgiving watching her friend’s misadventures live-streamed on her phone. Introducing Rebecca to Josh’s mom was a solid plan, and Rebecca was just the girl for Josh to bring home to meet his adoring parents, who were far from impressed with Valencia’s efforts to make conversation about a book she read, which was basically just a blank journal. I loved Rebecca’s song about making parents want to have sex with her, and the best line was “DTF – Dazzling the Family.” The fact that Rebecca showing up led to the blowup fight which ultimately prompted Josh and Valencia to decide to move in together was a melancholy development, but the intensity with which Valencia switched into hyperactive mode when she knew she had to look for a new home seemed to frazzle an admittedly dim-witted Josh, who just wants to sit near the turkey because he likes the skin. Rebecca didn’t do so badly, as a kindhearted but unlucky Greg couldn’t conquer his dreams and actually ended up at the bottom of the totem pole in his miserable workplace but then decided to stop by and cheer up a very ill Rebecca. Paula’s frustration at Rebecca and Greg appearing to couple up was amusing, but it is nice to see that these two are getting alone so well, and my only concern is that Josh might end up running away from Valencia and towards Rebecca, and I suspect that she’ll really hurt Greg by leaping into his very attractive arms.

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