Saturday, November 14, 2015

What I’m Watching: Fargo

Fargo: Season 2, Episode 5 “The Gift of the Magi” (B+)

There’s something about a show like this, which doesn’t preserve characters from season to season, that makes anything possible. A central player could bite the dust at any moment, and while the main people are still alive, this episode definitely rocked the boat more than a little bit. Up until now, it was Kansas City that had the upper hand, but Ohanzee going after Joe and his crew while they were hunting seriously thinned their ranks. One of the Bathroom Brothers getting killed was a major moment too, especially considering the bloody nature of his demise. Simone is definitely in trouble with an unamused Mike for not warning him of the impending attack, and Dodd is going to murder her himself if he survives long enough to discover her duplicity. I enjoyed an unexpected guest star, Bruce Campbell, who used to start alongside Jeffrey Donovan on “Burn Notice,” as none other than future president and current candidate Ronald Reagan, who got to make a few choice speeches and share some intense bathroom conversation with Lou. Killing Ed, or the real “Butcher Laverne,” was a poor first mission for another young Gerhardt, who made an even bigger mess than Rye did. Ed was lucky to escape with his life, and it was absurd that he couldn’t even get a word in when he got home since Peggy wanted to go first with her news. Getting away seems impossible with the police lights so close, and I’m on the edge of my seat waiting to find out what’s going to happen next.

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