Sunday, November 29, 2015

What I’m Watching: Fargo

Fargo: Season 2, Episode 7 "Did You Do This? No, You Did It!" (B+)

Now this was another loaded and intense episode, with more than a few excellent interactions between its many colorful characters. Floyd getting brought in for interrogation didn’t seem like it was going to lead anywhere productive, but it didn’t take too long for her to turn, though her understanding of what she was doing wasn’t exactly crystal clear, best evidenced by her choice quote: “What’s the point of the deal if it doesn’t include murder?” Mike was full of quotes as usual, and he also chose to make the most of an opportunity as he was ready to move on from sleeping with enemy to using her as a hostage. That was timed well with Lou’s arrival, and they had a terrific, memorable exchange. Simone may have found a way out from one precarious situation, but that didn’t save her from Angus’ somber wrath. He seems to have departed entirely from any sense of being able to interact socially, and now his brother’s fate is out of the Gerhardt family’s hands since he ignored a few calls from a mystery man who turned out, unsurprisingly, to be Ed, who chose to call Mike and offer him Dodd after he took out the Undertaker and his henchmen. It’s hard to know where allegiances will lie now, but everything is definitely complicated. Karl’s stay at Betsy’s home was a productive and informative one, and it’s great to see Nick Offerman and Cristin Milioti following up standout comedy roles with such fabulously effective turns here.

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