Saturday, November 14, 2015

What I’m Watching: The Flash

The Flash: Season 2, Episode 6 “Enter Zoom” (B+)

The team is starting to get creative, and that’s a great thing. The opening scene of the episode couldn’t have been real, but the best part was that it didn’t turn out to be the ending but rather the middle of the hour, since there was plenty to fill the time and more than enough material to cover. Dr. Light slipping out of her confines thanks to her invisibility was an unfortunate setback, but the idea to have Earth One’s Linda pretend to be her was a brilliant one. This show is always at its best when it incorporates comedy, and that’s exactly what it did here as Linda struggled to assume her lookalike’s evil identity. Barry trusting her with his identity was a smart move, though their plan didn’t exactly pan out as they had hoped. It’s a good thing that Barry got to have a great makeout session with Patty before Zoom found him, since it doesn’t seem like he’s doing too well. The fastest man on alive not being able to feel his legs is certainly not a good thing. Filling in the blanks about Dr. Wells’ daughter was helpful, and I like that Cisco pushed to touch him so that he could figure out what he was hiding, something he obviously did not want to share with the rest of the team. We saw much more of Zoom than I expected in this hour, and it seems like Earth Two will be sending plenty of trouble Barry’s way.

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