Wednesday, November 18, 2015

What I’m Watching: The Good Wife

The Good Wife: Season 7, Episode 7 “Driven” (B)

This show does get too caught up in politics very often, and by that I mean that it focuses on its political subplots. There have been many new political players introduced recently, and now we have another: Vanessa Williams’ new potential ally for Eli. I liked Williams on “Ugly Betty” and “Desperate Housewives,” and I’m not sure that she’ll fit in as well in a serious context on this show, since all she did thus far was sit back and watch and then say a few surprising things to Eli. Alicia casually inviting Peter into the bedroom for a quick rendezvous was interesting, and she’s definitely come to a good place in terms of her relationship with the personal and professional people in her legal life. The politics, of course, are another matter, and now she’s caught in between two people who are both trying to influence her in a way that she doesn’t want. Jackie and Howard’s engagement is an amusing development, and I do hope that the wedding is featured soon – I especially want to know who’s going to be asked to join the bridal party. The featured case of the week was definitely involving, featuring self-driving cars and the possibility of artificial intelligence taking over. Having Louis sit next to Alicia and Lucca opposite Cary and Diane was fun, but the best part of the whole thing was Joey Slotnick’s appearance as a very angry advocate of the inevitability of artificial intelligence deciding that it no longer needs its creators.

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