Saturday, November 21, 2015

What I’m Watching: Jane the Virgin

Jane the Virgin: Season 2, Episode 6 “Chapter Twenty-Eight” (B+)

This episode covered a lot of time, jumping ahead one month repeatedly throughout the course of the hour, and measuring milestones was a clever way of helping the time pass so quickly. Jane’s new writing class took a toll on her ability to multitask, as she initially spent too little time focused on her writing but also neglected Mateo’s position, resulting in him having to wear a corrective helmet, which didn’t help with nursing and pumping. It was good to see her slowly come to terms with her situation and ease into both worlds, and through it all, Rafael was always doing the right thing, which was great (#teamrafael). Rafael’s charm seems to have worked, and now Jane is ready to go on a date with him. Unfortunately, it does appear that Jane’s new best friend from her class is writing a biting exposé called “The Curse of the Solanos,” which is sure to cause trouble for the multimillionaire. I enjoyed Jane picturing different versions of young Mateo, including Oliver Twist Mateo and a charitable Mateo who really had to pee. Michael working with Nadine to bring down Sin Rostro is interesting, and I’m sure we’ll get filled in on all that in due time. Magda getting out of prison presented more problems than solutions, at first expelling Milos away but then blowing off her eye and hand, and ultimately leading to Ivan’s murder because of some secret Madga was keeping from Petra. My favorite part of the episode was Rogelio’s pitch for “Los Hombres Locos,” a version of “Mad Men” hilariously dubbed a “fasterpiece,” with him playing the part of Don Juan Draper. That it ended up being a roaring success, albeit dubbed a comedy, was great and almost as funny as the fact that it all fell apart due to the small problem of copyright infringement.

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