Tuesday, November 17, 2015

What I’m Watching: Longmire (Season Finale)

Longmire: Season 4, Episode 10 “What Happens on the Rez…” (B+)

It’s very nice to know right now that this show will be back next year, though I never would have assumed that its original network would have ended up cancelling its most successful show following season three. This finale was an important hour that served to wrap up a lot of the storylines that have been front and center this season, most importantly Henry taking up Hector’s mantle. Cady repeatedly telling Walt that she saw Gab alone was deliberate and specific enough in its omission that Walt realized something was afoot when Henry told him that Cady had seen him, and there was no way for that truth to stay hidden after that. Mathias being the one to arrest him is appropriate, and his future looks bleak at the moment, which is a shame considering his previous stint in prison and the way he was able to bounce back from that. The logistics of what’s allowed and illegal on the reservation are so interesting, and it seems that Callum Keith Rennie’s Walker Browning would have done whatever he wanted no matter what the legal implications were. Jacob Nighthorse’s reaction to accusations about Malachi appeared to be genuine, and I like that he isn’t clearly a bad guy. Zach getting fired for his violent tendencies and Monte revealing himself to be an investigator acting as part of a lawsuit against the department were both miserable developments that will cause major trouble for Walt in the future. Vic’s reaction to Walt saying “oh” to the news about her and Eamonn was very emphatic, and turning down the ideal job offer for her new boyfriend was an unfortunate move. This season has been a solid exploration of these characters and their Wyoming world, and a firm testament to the enduring quality of this show.

Season grade: B+
Season MVP: Lou Diamond Phillips as Henry

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