Friday, December 11, 2015

What I’m Watching: Homeland

Homeland: Season 5, Episode 10 “New Normal” (C)

In the wake of Allison being caught and trying to spin the whole thing to make it seem like she was actually playing an asset rather than betraying her country on a regular basis, it all doesn’t matter because things are not good and the CIA could use help both from Allison and from non-agent Carrie. It wasn’t enough that Saul laid hands on Allison and attacked her in interrogation, but because of imminent and immediate terrorist threats, all is immediately forgiven and Dal trusts everyone, especially those he doesn’t personally like. It’s no wonder that Carrie thinks she brings destruction to all those around her, because she had to watch Quinn being exposed to sarin gas on television and be present at Brody’s hanging just a few years earlier. But fear not, Quinn isn’t dead, instead he’s creepily laying there with his eyes open just waiting for Carrie, Astrid, or some other past romantic interest to come rescue him. This terrorist plot isn’t going too smoothly though considering one do-gooder’s duplicity, but naturally he was protected so some poor innocent terrorist had to pay the price for his misdeed. The authorities are busy arresting people who are more than happy to cooperate, just ensuring that everyone on all sides can’t accomplish much of anything. This show was just renewed for a sixth season, which seems a bit excessive at this point unless it completely reboots itself and introduces a whole bunch of new characters in a new place with a different focus.

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