Friday, January 1, 2016

Golden Globe Winner Predictions: Best Actor in a TV Series – Comedy/Musical

The competition: Aziz Ansari’s struggling actor (Master of None), Gael Garcia Bernal’s eccentric conductor (Mozart in the Jungle), Rob Lowe’s actor-turned-lawyer, Patrick Stewart’s lewd talk show host (Blunt Talk), and Jeffrey Tambor’s patriarch-turned-matriarch (Transparent).

For your information: The only returning nominee from last year is Tambor, who won this award. The other four nominees are from new series. This is Lowe’s sixth career nomination and his first in this category. This is Stewart’s third nomination and his first for a regular TV series. This is the first nomination for both Ansari and Bernal. Only “Transparent” is nominated for Best TV Series – Comedy/Musical.

Who should win? I like all of these nominees. I think I’d enjoy seeing Ansari win most.

Who will win? I think it could be Tambor again, but I’ll go with Ansari instead.

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