Tuesday, January 5, 2016

What I’m Watching: Master of None

Master of None: Season 1, Episode 9 “Mornings” (B+)

It caught me off guard when this episode ended that there’s just one more episode left in this season, and it hasn’t even been renewed for a second round yet. I suspect it will be, though, considering its critical success and the praise for star Aziz Ansari, and so I’m glad I can look forward to more installments of this show that has really grown on me since its first uneven episodes. This was a perfect installment in terms of a concept that many experience in life: how mornings change when you are in a relationship and then when you live together. Dev proposing a game to encourage Rachel to keep the place clean was fun, as was his attempt to make his eventual losing move too entertaining for her. The waning excitement over using their newly copossessed surroundings for sex and other things was also humorous to watch, but naturally there was some drama to be found too with the news of Rachel’s potential new job in Chicago. Dev using the pasta maker to cook for her upon her return was very sweet, and it seems like they really got to a good place together. The best part of all this is how Rachel reacts to almost every situation or impression with a fitting response of her own, just as goofy and committed to having fun as Dev is, making them an amazing pair who, like his story said, may not live happily ever after, but is certainly very happy right now.

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