Tuesday, January 26, 2016

What I’m Watching: Transparent

Transparent: Season 2, Episode 6 “Bulnerable” (B+)

This episode was interesting because it checked in with all of our characters at very different stages in relationships. Maura got to witness the return of Davina’s beau, fresh out of prison and played by Ray Abruzzo from “The Sopranos,” and to see the kind of loving relationship that she never thought could be possible where he loved her with the full knowledge that she was transgender and appreciated that fact about her. Shelly was in hysterics after being broken up with by Maura, and her mood ruined Sarah’s first chance to jump back into the dating pool with an initially unappealing match with whom she can be less held back and indulge one particular fantasy that’s been dominating her mind lately. I’m not sure what to make of Ali’s naked hot tub interaction with Cherry Jones’ wild Leslie, and I don’t think she has any idea either. The most difficult storyline to watch play out was the one involving Josh and Raquel, since they were already in shaky enough shape after Colton’s exit last week. Josh always says the wrong thing but Raquel has stuck by him, but he did not react the way that he should have when she lost the baby, and now it seems like she’s decided to leave. I can’t imagine we won’t see her again, but this is definitely a very lamentable development that is sure to leave Josh down in the dumps and ruin the one strong relationship that existed up until this point in the Pfefferman family.

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