Friday, February 12, 2016

What I’m Watching: Galavant (Season Finale)

Galavant: Season 2, Episodes 9 and 10 “Battle of the Three Armies” and “The One True King (To Unite Them All)” (B/B+)

It’s very possible that what may be this show’s final two episodes were also its best. I’ve come to enjoy this show a lot, and I think it’s probably better than I give it credit for. I enjoy musical television shows, and given that this is about half of what’s on now – “Crazy Ex-Girlfriend” being the other, superior series – I’m grateful for this show’s existence. These episodes, particularly the finale, made no secret of the fact that the showrunners and everyone involved never expected a second season, and the concluding song even proclaimed that this would be the last anyone would ever see of it unless it got another surprise renewal. I liked the introductory song at the start of the first episode recapping the battle that was about to begin, and this show really has done a fine job of telling its absurd narrative. Galavant showing up with a shockingly handy Richard and Sid appearing with his gay army to save the day were predictable but entertaining moments, and I love that Gareth immediately abandoned Madalena and stood by his friend Richard and that the former king refused to let his onetime bodyguard go into battle for him without being there by his side. Isabella delivered a great takedown of Madalena, and Galavant didn’t have to try hard to win Isabella back after the fart comment situation had been cleared up. Things were tied up in a pretty good bow, though the ending scenes with Madalena yearning for darker power and Richard finally seeing his dragon breathe fire were fun teasers for a third season that I’d really quite like to see.

Season grade: B
Season MVP: Timothy Omundson as Richard and Vinnie Jones as Gareth

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