Tuesday, February 16, 2016

What I’m Watching: Grandfathered

Grandfathered: Season 1, Episode 14 “Budget Spa” (B+)

It shouldn’t surprise viewers to learn what type of man Jimmy is, and that’s because it’s been clear from the beginning. Yet he seems to have surprisingly little insight into himself, and he needed to see a younger female version of himself who constantly believes that he lives in London to comprehend just how vain and predictable he is. That said, a night at the spa with the boys from the restaurant is far from exciting, and the fact that the highlight was food poisoning says something about the experience. Gerald and Ravi competing to see who could eat the most free stuff was fun, especially when they found out that the new policy meant that none of the things they indulged in for the spirit of competition were actually free. The girls’ night out with Sara, Annelise, and Vanessa was a blast, with highlights from each of their experiences. Sara flirting with Brian Van Holt’s married man only to learn that he was practicing a little innocent catch-and-release was entertaining, particularly for the reaction it produced in all three of them. Annelise actually having a connection only to ruin it by her inability to turn Jimmy off was a shame, but I think seeing her fully happy would be disconcerting since she wouldn’t be nearly as sarcastic. I have to agree wholeheartedly with Vanessa about artichokes, though I’m not as fond of the heart as she is. That eating artichokes defined her experience was great, and another strong reminder that she is a quality underused player on this show.

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