Sunday, March 20, 2016

What I’m Watching: Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend: Season 1, Episode 14 “Josh Is Going to Hawaii!” (B+)

After the surprise kiss that ended last week’s episode, there was no way that things were going to be resolved as idyllically as Rebecca or Paula imagined. As usual, this show rose above what could have been a simple and unsatisfying resolution and added some depth and drama to this whole thing. Josh going to see Father Brah only to discover that he was stoned wasn’t productive, and deciding that he needed to tell Valencia just showed how honest and good he is. Her immediate forgiveness was unexpectedly kind, and Josh was overjoyed by that development, reminded only moments later of the serious issues in their relationship. While this was all happening, Rebecca discovered that she really hasn’t been managing her money well, and now she’s pawned a family heirloom to pay for a trip to Hawaii that she really doesn’t need, though it may turn out to be a free five-hour therapy session, which is convenient. “I’m gonna yolo before I fomo” / “Is that yogurt?” was one of my favorite exchanges, and though it was crazy weird, “I’m the villain in my own story” was a cool and appropriate song. Darryl’s relationship with White Josh continues to be entertaining as they try to meet each other somewhere that’s comfortable for both of them and none one at Darryl’s work except for Maya cares that he’s bisexual. Greg’s obliviousness about Heather being angry at him for breaking her heart was hardly surprising, and I like that they’re going to keep working together and interact on a regular basis.

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