Monday, March 7, 2016

What I’m Watching: The Good Wife

The Good Wife: Season 7, Episode 15 “Targets” (B-)

The timing of this episode was interesting for me since I watched it about a week after I saw a screening of “Eye in the Sky,” a film that dramatizes the process required to complete a targeted drone strike. That film dealt with the by-the-minute developments during the operation itself, while this plotline backed things up to the approval stage, in which the fact that the target was actually an American citizen was deliberately kept secret until after the first vote. As usual, Alicia manages to get picked for all the big assignments, and she had her opinions ignored and follow-up questions dismissed. The NSA twist at the end of the episode was very intriguing. She missed quite a bit of drama back at the firm, as Jason got tasked by pretty much everyone to spy on each other. I like that he and Alicia have blunt and honest conversations, and it seems like their relationship is in pretty good shape. The investigation into Peter brought back one of this show’s more memorable characters, which is saying something given the personalities this show produces, Elsbeth. It turns out that her ex-husband, Mike, played by Will Patton of “Remember the Titans” and “Falling Skies” fame, is just as crazy as she is. Everything that Eli and Peter keep learning is disconcerting, and I suspect that the two of them won’t come out of this too clean, though it would be hard to imagine this show giving any of its characters too miserable a fate as it prepares to sign off for good.

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