Saturday, March 12, 2016

What I’m Watching: Legends of Tomorrow

Legends of Tomorrow: Season 1, Episode 6 “Star City 2046” (B+)

I thought that the legends had arrived in an alternate version of the present at the end of last episode, but it turns out that it’s just the future, and a pretty bleak one at that. I stopped watching “Arrow” long ago so I’m not familiar with Deathstroke or Grant Wilson. It did seem pretty obvious that he was a formidable enemy and one who Sara worked hard to vanquish back in her time. It also didn’t take long for the Green Arrow who shot at them when he revealed that he wasn’t Oliver Queen to turn from foe to friend, and then we got a look at the haggard, one-armed future version of Oliver who looks even more weathered and bearded than when he spent a few years on an island all by himself. The question of whether it’s necessary to save those in a world that soon won’t exist after important changes are made is an intriguing one, and I guess the answer is that this group is going to save as many people as they can, no matter how long their world will continue to be a reality. It’s interesting to see Snart and Mick diverging in terms of how they feel about their criminal lifestyles, and to see Mick yearn to stay in a city ruled by disorder while Snart was all about the mission and saving their new friends. On a lighter note, it was fun to watch Professor Stein learn about Jax’s attraction to Kendra and try to help him out, only to encourage Ray to ask her out and then get shut down. Any romance for these time-travelers isn’t a great idea since they’re in such close quarters, and better that Jax didn’t make a move at all. The episode ended on an unusually optimistic note, and it’s great to see that the legends are charging forward with confidence and enthusiasm.

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