Wednesday, March 16, 2016

What I'm Watching: Legends of Tomorrow

Legends of Tomorrow: Season 1, Episode 7 “Marooned” (B+)

There’s nothing like almost suffocating and dying to really reenergize a crew of time travelers. This was a very space-centric episode that felt less like it had to do with superpowered heroes and more with ships, aliens, and all that. I was amused to see Callum Keith Rennie, who I first got to know on “Battlestar Galactica,” in a dependably oily role as the pirate captain who seized a time ship and then put out a distress call to lure in a rescue operation that could allow him to profit even more. Captain Baxter was not at all pleased to see Rip, and it seems his time meddling has alienated enough people that they’re all eager to see him locked up and punished for his crimes. I guess it’s partially because of what a reputation he had before getting himself into trouble for breaking the rules. Fortunately, Rip was able to earn a pardon from Captain Baxter by triggering enough voice commands in Gideon’s system to ensure that he didn’t have to depend on the ruthlessness of his new crew, though they did come in pretty handy. I enjoyed hearing Ray recite a captain’s log and watching Professor Stein don a stylish hat as he saved the day and realized his childhood dreams. Ray ended up getting lucky, winning the relatively nonexistent battle with Jax for Kendra’s affection. All this happening in close quarters can’t end well, but we also have a romance of sorts brewing between Sara and Snart, both of whom aren’t nearly as sinister as they purport to be. Snart shooting Mick is a big deal, though I suspect that this isn’t the last we’ve seen of the fire-shooting grunt, since I don’t think that Snart would really kill his best friend.

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