Saturday, March 19, 2016

What I’m Watching: Togetherness

Togetherness: Season 2, Episode 3 “Advanced Pretend” (B+)

This was a great episode, with Alex stepping up in a big way to spirit Brett away from Michelle’s revelation and give him a chance to return back to reality in his own time. Spending $950 apiece for plane tickets to Detroit was quite a generous spontaneous act, and Brett barely seemed conscious as Alex pushed him through the airport in a wheelchair. I knew I recognized Kennedy when she showed up in Detroit, and it took me just a few seconds to identify Hilarie Burton, who started out on “One Tree Hill” and had a great recurring role on “White Collar.” She was fantastic in this episode, taking him on a slow roll and peeing while he was in the bathroom. He could have slept with her and felt vindicated because of what Michelle did, but instead he told her he was married and then ran outside to yell at Alex for being on the phone too much. This season is all about unabashed confrontation, and Brett and Alex screaming at each other was very therapeutic. Christy and Tina hurling insults, on the other hand, wasn’t nearly as productive. In this case, it turns out that Tina is right that she needs to tell Alex that she doesn’t want kids, but I think that Christy’s response had more to do with Tina’s behavior the night before. Though she nearly hyperventilated at the sight of a dirty diaper, Tina did manage to do for Michelle what Alex did for Brett to a lesser degree, and hopefully Brett and Michelle can patch things up very soon.

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