Thursday, March 24, 2016

What I’m Watching: Togetherness

Togetherness: Season 2, Episode 4 “Changetown” (B+)

After Brett and Alex’s therapeutic trip out of town, having them back in town under different circumstances is going to take some getting used to for all parties involved. I love that Brett has started filling his hours by being an Uber driver, and that he’s listening to his headphones instead of interacting with his passengers. The problem is that his awkward nature is very much not helping the current dynamic that he has with Michelle as they try to figure out how to move past what happened. He articulated it very well to Alex, explaining how he flips back and forth between wanting to forgive her and wanting to hate her so often. The system that’s in place is not working, since the kids are well aware that he’s not around all the time and starting to notice that something is up. Michelle’s number one reliable friend shouldn’t be Tina, but it appears it is, and watching her stamp around in fancy heels and orange juice was very therapeutic after a long and angst-filled day of babysitting. What was most interesting was her conversation with Larry, whose initial reaction to her realization that she might not mind being around kids was pretty legitimate given every discussion about children they’d ever had, and it did not end well for either of them. Free of Tina’s influence, Alex and Christy’s relationship isn’t going that much more smoothly, and I heartily enjoyed Christy laying out the facts of what was about to happen in the bedroom, dryly inviting Alex to be a part of it or not.

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