Tuesday, April 5, 2016

What I’m Watching: Blindspot

Blindspot: Season 1, Episode 15 “Older Cutthroat Canyon” (C+)

As this show continues, I’m feeling more and more like it’s just not that appealing. I ripped apart the latest episode of “Quantico,” but while this show might be better quality-wise, its entertainment factor pales in comparison. Jane’s tattoos have shown up in weird places before, but I think it’s actually most logical and legitimate that one of her more prominent tattoos would also be a work of art created by a mysterious street artist who was more than a little reminiscent of Bansky. I was going to write that Bansky fared much better when he got arrested a few years ago, but some quick research indicates that it was all a hoax and the real-life artist is actually still at large with his identity unknown. It may well be similar to what played out on this show, which found his assistant revealed to be the master. The most troubling part of this episode was Jane’s role in all it, with a rogue former member of her team trying to take out both her and Oscar. Cade, who isn’t even close to dead, was played by Josh Brolin lookalike Tom Lipinski from “Suits” and “The Following.” It would be useful if, instead of keeping everything to himself and pushing Sarah away, Edgar opted to talk to Jane and approach her, since even he has to realize that she’s not the one threatening him. All this secrecy and deception is the root of the problem, and plenty of unnecessary lying is sure to lead to easily preventable problems.

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