Sunday, April 17, 2016

What I’m Watching: Blindspot

Blindspot: Season 1, Episode 16 “Any Wounded Thief” (B)

It’s never a good thing when chemical weapons show up, but it was awfully convenient that the vial the team found was labeled with its specific intended purpose so that little further detective work was needed. I recognized Sandrine Holt from “House of Cards” and “Hostages” as Vanessa Chang but didn’t suspect her of being the one to arrange for the sale of the weapons to North Korea when South Korea didn’t want to pay as much money. There’s a lot of bad stuff going on in this show’s world, and it seems like there could be a better way for whatever Jane’s watchdog group actually is to ensure that these people get taken down than waiting for a tattoo to reveal itself. Jane’s memories are returning in a big way, and remembering her own memorial service at which Weller went after his dad for being there when he was still the prime suspect in Taylor’s disappearance threw her for a loop. Getting tasked with breaking Weller and Allison up was not something Jane saw coming at all, and no one is going to win from that situation since they’re actually pretty happy at the moment and Jane seems to be trusting enough to sleep with Oscar, who tells her that he can’t keep his hands off her or not tell her that he loves her. Speaking of love, Patterson going on her anniversary date without David was sad, but I suppose it was necessary for her to realize that he had decoded another tattoo, even if the way that she remembered, imagining him there, wasn’t the manner in which I would have conveyed the situation.

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