Thursday, April 28, 2016

What I’m Watching: The Catch

The Catch: Season 1, Episode 4 “The Princess and the I.P.” (B+)

This was a pretty solid episode, finishing a few plotlines in ways that weren’t expected. I’ve been particularly impressed with the princess as a character thus far, and it was good to see that, when her brother showed up to take charge and knock her down a gender peg or too, she didn’t succumb to his influence. Instead, she forged ahead and managed to come up with the hefty sum of $15 million with no trouble at all. And she even gave Ben a parting gift expressly designated for him to give to the woman who got away. Speaking of said woman, it was great to see Alice catch Ben by surprise and show up as a wealthy philanthropist. Working with Agent Dao means that she realizes that she needs to catch him the right way to make him pay, and she obviously wrestled with whether it was what she wanted to do. Her decision to put her finger to her lips and unbutton her shirt to reveal the wire at the very moment that Ben was about to incriminate herself was a wonderful moment, one that indicates that these two are going to have a very complicated relationship going forward that isn’t going to be shared fully with their respective colleagues. Margot dealt with her latest obstacle in an interesting way that does seem to have successfully bought her more time. The case of the week had an unexpected ending, but the good guys appear to have won, which is a plus.

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