Friday, April 29, 2016

What I’m Watching: The Good Wife

The Good Wife: Season 7, Episode 19 “Landing” (B+)

There was a lot going on in this episode, with just three more hours left before this show signs off for good. For several seasons now, Gabe Woods’ Jeff and Michael Urie’s Stephen have been recurring characters whose wiretapping for the NSA has occasionally come into play, and in this episode it was front and center as Jeff tried and failed to reenter the United States to attend his mother’s funeral. The literal tug-of-war between American and Canadian authorities at the airport was entertaining, and Jayne Atkinson’s presiding magistrate, to be addressed as Your Worship, was good for a lot of fun as she berated the boisterous American way of doing things as compared with blissful Canadian practice. There was so much surveillance of surveillance that it was almost hard to follow, and things seem to have worked out in the end for Jeff. The modified opening credits were cool since Alicia is once again standing by her husband, this time with a better sense of taking charge of her life, as evidenced by her conversation with Jason at the end of the episode in which her response to him wanting things to be simple was that she wanted him. Mike hiring Jason to investigate for Peter was an intriguing choice, one that both men thought strange. Diane was not pleased at all to meet Megan Hilty’s Holly, and it seemed like her reaction was going to push Kurt away, but he returned with an affirming display of commitment to the relationship.

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