Tuesday, April 12, 2016

What I’m Watching: Life in Pieces (Season Finale)

Life in Pieces: Season 1, Episodes 21 and 22 “Cinderella Fantasy Prom Dougie” / “CryTunes Divorce Tablet Ring” (B-)

A lot happened in this one-hour episode that epitomized this show’s charming if not always consistently good nature. There were a number of bombshells dropped and major developments, all of which can’t be taken back. The final segment was the one that really piled it all on, with Matt trying so hard to propose to Colleen and getting one-upped, be it by Tyler walking in to announce that he got married so that he and Clementine could have sex, Greg and Jen letting slip that Jen is pregnant, and the matriarch of the family getting busy with her caregiver. Ultimately, Matt and Colleen getting back together and getting engaged was undeniably the most wonderful event of the hour, and I’m so glad to see them both happy, even if they had to contend with their grand moment being hijacked over and over again. When it finally happened, the awkwardness and delay was more than compensated for by the sweetness of the situation. Discovering that John and Joan got divorced out of protest against the system is hardly that enticing, and that was a bit of a waste of a plotline. This show is at its best when it isn’t that absurd and paints a delightful portrait of familiar family tropes. Bad ideas like Greg inventing an app that turns baby cries into music and Tim wearing a Cinderella dress so that his sports team can win are less appealing, but they’ll do okay. CBS still hasn’t announced whether this show is coming back for a second season, and while it hasn’t been the greatest or funniest comedy, I’d definitely love to see it again.

Season grade: B
Season MVP: Zoe Lister-Jones as Jen

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