Wednesday, April 27, 2016

What I’m Watching: You, Me, Her

You, Me, Her: Season 1, Episode 4 “Check a Box” (B+)

In this episode, our main married characters didn’t even interact with Izzy into the final scene, but, as usual, she was on their mind in a big way. It’s so interesting to see how much Jack and Emma are actually on the same page about going forward with Izzy, since they’re both worried that they are going to become too invested in Izzy and that their own relationship won’t truly be strengthened. That said, they had plenty of great sex without her being there, and just because they were thinking about her the whole time shouldn’t diminish it. I like that we got our first glimpse of Ava acting on the knowledge that she has gotten from spying on her next door neighbors, flirting with Jack and forcing him to come up with a cover story about his twenty-year-old niece that is surely going to come back to haunt him very soon, especially when he has her mother over for a dinner party as part of his plan to win his new position. As Carmen threatened to chase down Emma if she didn’t break things off with Izzy, it was Jack who actually showed up at her apartment to end things. I love how Izzy enticed him to reconsider, and that a furious Nina arrived home and realized who he was, prompting a fabulous cliffhanger ending where he has to answer whether he’s a client or not. I’m extremely eager to find out what he said, though obviously Nina and Izzy’s roommate arrangement is in serious jeopardy.

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