Thursday, May 5, 2016

What I’m Watching: Banshee

Banshee: Season 4, Episode 4 “Innocent Might Be a Bit of a Stretch” (B+)

Somehow, this show is getting even darker, showcasing a murderous couple performing what seems to be a sacrificial rite and killing poor abducted young women. The good news – and there isn’t much – is that everyone seems to agree that Lucas didn’t kill Rebecca. Proctor barging into the jail and unlocking the door was quite show of power, and I’m pretty sure that Brock would have shot Proctor if a new face hadn’t shown up to diffuse the tension. It took me until she was telling Lucas a story about her fake husband to recognize Eliza Dushku as Special Agent Veronica Dawson, who has quite the baggage of her own and chooses drinking as a way of getting to know her former prime suspect. Carrie is executing vigilante justice thanks to her inside line from the sheriff’s department, and though it made Job freeze, running from constant explosions seems to be giving her a certain thrill. The Aryan Clay got out of prison was intimidating enough when he threatened a Jewish official on his parole review board, and the news of his relation to an unhappy we’ve come to know well with ties both to the white supremacists and the sheriff’s department is very unsettling. Proctor made a case to Rebecca that he had a reason for getting into bed with the Aryans, and all it’s done so far is threaten his business and put him directly in Carrie’s crosshairs. Brock won’t be too far behind, and I don’t see Proctor letting himself end up behind bars.

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