Thursday, May 5, 2016

What I’m Watching: Game of Thrones (Season Premiere)

Game of Thrones: Season 6, Episode 1 “The Red Woman” (B+)

I was pretty impressed that, during the “previously on” segment that opened this episode, I wasn’t lost at all. Somehow, after five years of being generally confused by the excess of characters on this show and the complicated web that unites them all as they lust for the throne, I think I may actually understand what’s going on. Jon Snow is the least forgotten dead character this show has even seen, with several minutes devoted to those around him mourning – and celebrating – his death. As advertisements for the show and swirling fan theories have shown, he’s still going to be a part of this season in some big way. It’s understandable that those who killed him want to ensure that they don’t have more enemies in their midst, and it’s good to see Davos thinking so intelligently about what to do and even coming up with a productive use for Melisandre. It was very satisfying to see Brienne come to the rescue when Theon turning himself in didn’t do much to save Sansa, and she’s finally now where she should be with a loyal protector watching out for her. Jaime returning home with no daughter was an unfortunate disappointment for a miserable and maligned Cersei, and it seems that the Martell dynasty is far more volatile than even he knew, with a formidable enemy now poised to compete in this neverending game of thrones and an heir killed all too easily after being falsely offered an opportunity for a fair fight. I’m glad that Margaery is still in the picture, even if she’s being held by the High Sparrow with no hope for release anytime soon. Daenerys’ big language reveal didn’t land the way she had planned, and referencing Khal Drogo only managed to get her confined to a live of widowhood rather than immediate release. Arya is experiencing some though love learning to fight while blind, and though she’s sure to get there eventually, it’s not a pleasant thing to watch in its current state. Neither, for that matter, is Melisandre’s true form, an externalization of what lies within her.

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