Friday, May 13, 2016

What I’m Watching: Quantico

Quantico: Season 1, Episode 20 “Drive” (D-)

We’ve now had twenty episodes in which we’ve seen the FBI trainees learn how to be great agents. What part of their training tells them that they’re supposed to forget everything they’ve learned up to a given point and then immediately turn fully to throw their suspicions behind a new theory without questioning it even for a second? Finding Drew in the hospital was a shock, but somehow the sight of him was enough to make both Alex and Shelby certain that Ryan was the mastermind behind this entire operation even though he’s the one who has been most after Alex to stop trying to sell her crazy theories. You’d think also that Miranda finding a handcuffed Ryan next to a computer with incriminating files on him would make her stop and realize that Ryan had in fact been framed. Casting Drew as the terrorist is also a copout since he wasn’t one of the original characters in the pilot, making me think that the writers of this show didn’t have an endgame in mind when they started the show and later figured out who they wanted the bad guy to be. Either way, I’m sick of this constant back-and-forth between Shelby, Caleb, and a very nosy Iris, all of who need to just be honest with each other and stop trying to keep big untrue secrets hidden. In her on-the-job training, Alex managed to really mess things up and put Fletcher’s life in danger, yet another sign that she’s an agent who doesn’t play by the rules and never seems to get any work-related flak for it until everyone thinks she’s a terrorist.

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