Tuesday, June 14, 2016

What I’m Watching: House of Lies (Penultimate Episode)

House of Lies: Season 5, Episode 9 “Violent Agreement” (B+)

This is just about it, with just one more episode in this series’ five-season run, which feels like a long time even though it’s not nearly as long as some other shows get to stay on the air. I feel like this show and its characters are constantly in a state of trying to aspire to more, looking for ways to pump in the afterwork even though they have more than enough clients and more than enough money. All this talk of a buyout has them looking at their future slightly differently, but some of that comes with a rude awakening, like the news that Clyde was never in the running to go to the next level with Seth since he has no political experience. Doug is far too hapless to function on his own, and his downloading of spyware that enabled Monica to steal all their ideas is just one of the many reasons for that. As this show has shown us over the years, Marty isn’t one to give up even after he’s lost, hence his decision to have the pod fly down to Cuba of all places to make their last great stand and show that they are the ones to take the Kohl brothers into this revolutionary new market. I have no doubt that the series finale will be extremely memorable, and I think that this show has had a good, solid run, starting out with a great first season, ebbing and flowing a bit after that, and returning to a relatively consistent state of entertainment that does make for great TV.

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