Thursday, June 16, 2016

What I’m Watching: Person of Interest

Person of Interest: Season 5, Episode 11 “Synecdoche” (B+)

On any other show, I wouldn’t categorize the main characters having to save the president as irrelevant, to use a loaded word. Though it was such a grand task, I couldn’t help but feel that it wasn’t the best use of time within the span of the final three episodes of this show. Unsurprisingly, this episode managed to come through in a way that was better than I could ever have hoped. I’ll confess that I only remember one of the three numbers who appeared in this episode, though I did recognize Jimmi Simpson from his many other antiestablishment roles, like on “House of Cards” and “Virtuality.” What’s infinitely more fantastic than the notion of being tasked with saving the president is the idea that there are other people out there who are being sent numbers by the machine explicitly because they benefited from being numbers and being saved. Fusco said it well – “You guys do what we do? How many more of us do you think there are?” Reese and Shaw always made a good team, and I think he’s sufficiently shown that she’s not in a simulation anymore. Saying goodbye to Root at her funeral was very lonely, and it was haunting to hear her voice just seconds later as the machine spoke to Finch. Noting that she knew Root best rang true, and Finch settling on her voice as a continued and meaningful comfort felt right. When Samaritan has decided that the life of the president is no longer relevant, it’s a good thing that there are many people fighting on the right side. Bring on the last two episodes! I can’t wait.

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