Thursday, June 9, 2016

What I’m Watching: Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley: Season 3, Episode 6 “Bachmanity Insanity” (B+)

I was laughing a lot during the episode, primarily at the fact that Richard tanked a relationship because he couldn’t stand the fact that his new girlfriend Winnie used spaces instead of tabs in her coding. The complete insignificance of that styling, especially since it all comes out the same way after it goes through the compressor, made the level to which it bothered Richard all the more entertaining. That he tripped down the stairs because he tried to take it eight steps at a time was a nice bonus. Jared managed to score too, a bizarre little plotline that I assume will eventually lead to something funnier than just the unlikelihood that he could actually find a girlfriend. Dinesh improving his code so that he could see Elisabeth more clearly was a smart move, but unfortunately it showed her that he was not in fact the Pakistani Denzel even though he liked what he was seeing. Gavin’s proclamations about the things that you used to be able to do to deal with people you didn’t like were typically absurd, but he wasn’t actually the most ridiculous egotist of the hour. That honor went to Erlich, who preposterously rented out Alcatraz and turned into Hawaii, all while lavishly spending the $20 million that Big Head got in his settlement. His one positive action was to buy the blog that could have gotten them into a lot of trouble due to Big Head’s miscomprehension of the NDA and the fact that it covering itself was far less important than his not being allowed to talk to anyone about what happened at Nucleus. I don’t think Bachmanity was headed anywhere, but now it’s going to be imploding due to its recent bankruptcy.

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