Monday, June 6, 2016

What I’m Watching: You, Me, Her (Season Finale)

You, Me, Her: Season 1, Episode 10 “Trope Isn’t a Four-Letter Word” (B+)

I really hope this show comes back for another season. It’s been one of the most entertaining, endearing, and creative shows I’ve seen for quite some time, and I just don’t think enough people know it exists. This episode didn’t have much interaction between Izzy and the couple who, in just one short week, has completely transformed her life, but the one scene in which they did finally find each other was well worth it. Nina and Andy deciding to call Jack and Emma to tell them that Izzy was leaving was a nice and surprising development, and it’s good that the two of them have come to a good place where they can both feel slighted by Izzy but supported by each other. Dean Weinstock telling Jack that the memorable line he said to earn him his current job was something that he wouldn’t get to do in the role of dean was crucial, and it was great to see Jack decide to change his life for the better. Emma getting the contract and heading towards a partner position was positive, and I’m glad that she was so okay with Jack making the choice that he did. Trying to talk their way through security wasn’t as easy as it often is in the movies, and it looked like they had just missed the chance to stop Izzy from flying home. I love that she had already opted to get off the plane and found them, leading to a heartwarming reunion that ended on a question mark. I’m optimistic that we’ll get to see where this leads in season two – I can’t wait!

Season grade: A-
Season MVP: All three!

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