Thursday, July 14, 2016

Emmy Nominees: Best Drama Series

My predictions: 5/7, picking “Billions” and “Orange is the New Black” over “The Americans” and “Homeland”

Well, the two shows I predicted that didn’t make the cut did NOT do well today. “Billions” was shut out entirely, and “Orange is the New Black” scored just one nomination – for casting. The Americans finally broke through and made it into the top races, something I’d be much more excited about if I loved the show as much as everyone else seems to. I don’t know why Homeland still needs to be included since this season was not great, and it’s down to four nominations after scoring eleven for its second season back in 2013. For its final season, Downton Abbey is back up to ten nominations. Juggernaut Game of Thrones dropped one notch to a still-whopping 23 nominations. Better Call Saul, which was superb in its second season, stayed steady at seven nominations, and House of Cards moved up to thirteen nominations. I was worried that Mr. Robot wouldn’t make the cut after it didn’t do as well as I had hoped or expected, but fortunately it did score six nominations. This is a good list, sure, but I wish that “Narcos” and “Billions” had made the cut.

Who should win? I’d probably choose “Better Call Saul” or “Mr. Robot”
Who will win? I think Game of Thrones takes it again.

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